Quality faith-based apparel to inspire others to trust their faith in the Lord.
Born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA I joined the Marine Corps a month after graduating high school. Throughout my childhood, church was always a normal routine and as I got older and caught up with my career in the Marine Corps, the more I began to distance myself from faith. I never lost faith in the Lord, but I didn't practice it either.
It wasn't until one day driving home from base where I pulled off to the side of the road to call my mom and completely broke down in tears. I had steered away from who I was as a man, a father, and lover and couldn't bare who I had become. I lost my way, my faith, and the ability to enjoy life and be true to myself and everyone around me.
Once I was honest with myself and let go of fear, I realized that there was no limit to what I can overcome. My first step was going back to church, where I learned the tools that I now live my life by.
Since going back to church, I have surrounded myself with people that I admire, people that inspire, people that have something to teach, and from whom I can learn. I know that learning a new way of doing things is a challenge, but with the right set of skills and abilities, anything and everything is possible. From there I dedicated my time to "Lifting with the Lord.” I devoted my time to the gym to strengthen my mind, body, and spirit. This allowed me to focus on myself while listening to the word of God through Christian music.
I started wearing my own T-shirts with Christian logos and phrases and got a lot of attention from it at the gym. Several people would approach me and tell me they liked my shirt, where did I get it, some would just give me the head nod and thumbs up and appreciate the message I was spreading. This prompted me to invest my time into developing a clothing line that would be that simple reminder that God is always with you. He strengthens you through guidance, wisdom, and surrounds you with people who want nothing but the best for you.
I believe my purpose is to become the fullest expression of myself and to help others do the same.
“An umbrella cannot stop the rain, but it allows us to stand in the rain. Faith in God may not remove our trials, but it gives us strength to overcome them.”